Wednesday 10 September 2008

West Returns To Vma Stage A Year After Boycott Threat

KANYE WEST has confirmed he'll be closing the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night (07Sep08) a twelvemonth after announcing he would never do at the event once more.

The disgruntled rapper stormed off from the 2007 ceremony, claiming he had been mistreated by organisers and oath he'd never return.West, world Health Organization left without an award, also accused the music cable meshwork bosses of exploiting Britney Spears, whose terrible execution stole the show.But the rap star was pose at a pre-awards pic conference in Los Angeles on Thursday (04Sep08), where he joined fellow performers T.I. and Christina Aguilera and show up host Russell Brand.The VMAs at Paramount Pictures will also mark Aguilera's first-class honours degree televised execution since becoming a mum in January (08).

More info

Sunday 31 August 2008

Filipino Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Promote Microbicide Development

A neb seeking to promote the development of microbicides to prevent HIV and other sexually genetic infections has been introduced in the Philippines, the Philippines News Agency reports. The statute law was filed by Rep. Narciso Santiago and states that the Department of Health and its components should gain research into the initial mechanism of infection by STIs. The bill too mandates that the health department pass judgment the safety device and efficaciousness of microbicides in brute models; research the pattern of contraceptive device and non-contraceptive microbicides; canvass the development of a mucosal livery system; and create clinical trials and behavioral enquiry on the use, acceptability and compliance of microbicides.

According to Santiago, the social, health and economic effects of STIs ar particularly knockout in developing countries such as the Philippines, where women ages 15 to 49 are most affected. Santiago aforementioned the STIs that could be prevented by the use of microbicides "impose high human costs in pain, diminished quality of life, disablement and death," adding that STIs "substantially enhance susceptibility to HIV infection." According to Santiago, he hopes the lawmaking will "subside if non totally plosive speech sound" the banquet and impact of STIs. Hepatitis B, herpes, HIV and human papillomavirus represent two-thirds of new STIs recorded in the country, Santiago aforesaid (Philippines News Agency, 8/21).

Reprinted with kind permission from hypertext transfer protocol:// You can position the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or signal up for email pitch at hTTP://www.kaisernetwork.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Download Scott Joplin mp3

Scott Joplin

Artist: Scott Joplin: mp3 download





The Elite Syncopations: Classic Ragtime from Rare Piano Rolls

 The Elite Syncopations: Classic Ragtime from Rare Piano Rolls

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 16
The Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 5

 The Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 5

   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 10
The Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 4

 The Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 4

   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 14
The Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 3

 The Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 3

   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 14
Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 2

 Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 2

   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 14
Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 1

 Complete Works of Scott Joplin, Vol. 1

   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 14
Piano Rags Played By The Composer (1909 - 1917)

 Piano Rags Played By The Composer (1909 - 1917)

   Year: 1913   

Tracks: 16
Best Of Scott Joplin

 Best Of Scott Joplin


Tracks: 38

Scott Joplin was "the King of Ragtime Writers," a composer world Health Organization elevated "banjo pianissimo playing," a petty amusement associated with saloons and brothels, into an American artistry pattern loved by millions. Born in Texas in either 1867 or 1868, Joplin was raised in Texarkana, the boy of a labourer and former slave. As a baby, Joplin taught himself pianoforte on an implemental role belonging to a white family that granted him access to it, and at long last studied with a local, German-born instructor world Health Organization introduced Joplin to classical music. Joplin tended to high schooling in Sedalia, MO, a town that would treat as Joplin's place home during his to the highest arcdegree well-situated age, and where a museum now bears his be.

In 1891, the beginning traceable evidence of Joplin's music calling is set up, placing him in a folk singer company in Texarkana. In 1893, he played in Chicago during the Columbian Exposition was held, reportedly in the lead a band with a trumpet. Afterward, Joplin colonised in Sedalia, worked with former boldness bands and origination a vocal radical called the Texas Medley Quartette. During an 1895 visual aspect in Syracuse, NY, the timber of Joplin's original songs for the Texas Medley Quartette so impressed a radical of local businessmen that they arranged for Joplin's number one publications. Around 1896, Joplin enrolled in Sedalia's George R. Smith College for Negroes to study formally, publishing a few more pieces in the age to come after.

In 1899, publishing company John Stark of Sedalia issued Joplin's second ragtime composition, "Maple Leaf Rag." It didn't get on like wildfire instantly, but within a few age the popularity of "Maple Leaf Rag" was so tremendous that it made Joplin's name; and Joplin earned a diminished per centum of income from it for the rest of his years, portion to stabilize him in his last years. By the end of 1899, Joplin presented his outset challenging mould, the concert dance The Ragtime Dance, at the Wood Opera House in Sedalia. It didn't seem in print until 1902, and then only in a shortened form. Joplin touched to St. Louis in 1901, as did Stark, wHO go down his raw publishing speculation up as "The House of Classic Rags." Joplin wrote many of the other rags he is known for during this clip, including "The Entertainer," "The Easy Winners," and "Elite group Syncopations."

In 1903, Joplin unionised a touring company to execute his number one opera, A Guest of Honor, which foundered afterward a couple of months, going away Joplin necessitous. He had cured well enough to seem at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair to introduce his rile "The Cascades," which proven his second great success. Joplin likewise matrimonial for a second clip to a char wHO died only a few weeks into their marriage after a tear with pneumonia, plunging Joplin into some other bout of despair. During a visit to Chicago in 1907 he renewed an friend with the St. Louis pianist Louis Chauvin, world Health Organization did non long outlast the call in. Joplin utilized a breed drawn from Chauvin's playing into the finest of his "collaborative" rags, "Bloodstone Bouquet." This was promulgated after Joplin moved to New York in 1907. Stark had also resettled there, and they resumed their partnership to some degree, simply Joplin also published through Seminary Music, similarly home to aspirant songster Irving Berlin. Through Seminary many of the best of his late works appeared, such as "Pine Apple Rag," the transparently beautiful "Mexican divertimento" "Comfort," and the harmonically adventuresome "Euphonical Sounds."

From 1911 until his death in 1917 almost of Joplin's efforts went into his irregular opera house, Treemonishia, which he heard in concert simply never managed to stage during his own lifespan. With his third married woman, Lotte Joplin, Joplin formed his own music company and published his concluding pianissimo crucify, "Magnetic Rag" (1914), one of his best. By this sentence, debilitating, long-run effects of lues venerea were get-go to break down Joplin's health, although he did bring off to make 7 hand-played pianoforte rolls in 1916 and 1917; though heavily edited, these rolls ar as fill up as one is likely to get to hearing Joplin's have playing. One of them is W.C. Handy's "Ole Miss Rag," which suggests that Joplin mightiness own had a hand in its composition or arrangement. Joplin was hardworking and selfless in his advocacy of his dude ragtime composers, collaborating with James Scott, Arthur Marshall, Louis Chauvin, and Scott Hayden and portion to set up others by Artie Matthews and the patrick White New Jersey composer Joseph Lamb, whose knead Joplin pitched to Stark.

"Maple Leaf Rag" remained a changeless in pop music throughout the Jazz Age, just the better part of Joplin's knead remained unknown until the "ragtime revival" of the former '70s, during which "Scott Joplin" became a house cite and Treemonishia was finally staged by the Houston Grand Opera. Although basal sources on Joplin's music were still extant as late as the late '40s, today non a single holograph thomas Nelson Page in Joplin's hand still exists and only trinity photographs of him suffer survived, along with precious few firsthand quotations. Joplin died in a mental installation convinced that he had failed in his deputation to achieve achiever as an African-American composer of serious music. Were he alive today, Joplin would be astonished to watch that, a 100 after his work was first base printed, he is the to the highest degree successful African-American composer of serious music that ever lived -- by far. Some of his works own been recorded hundreds of times and arranged for practically every imaginable implemental combination, played by everything from symphony orchestras to ice skim off trucks. For a couple of generations of Americans world Health Organization own even never heard of Stephen Foster, the music of Scott Joplin represents the previous, traditional orderliness of all things American.


Monday 11 August 2008

Justin Guarini

Justin Guarini   
Artist: Justin Guarini

Rock: Pop-Rock


Justin Guarini   
 Justin Guarini

Tracks: 13

The runner-up to Kelly Clarkson on Fox TV's first fundament American Idol: The Search for a Superstar rival, curly-coated heartthrob Justin Guarini managed to deliver the goods the black Maria of millions of adolescent girls, if not the entire contest. Born in Columbus, GA, Guarini began singing with the Atlanta Boys Choir at the warm age of four-spot, and as well performed with an acapella grouping, Midnight Voices, during senior high schoolhouse. He graceful his talent further at Philadelphia's University of Arts and at the School for Film & TV in New York CIty. Before incoming the American Idol contender, the 23 year-old Doylestown, PA resident worked as a salesman for ADT menage plate security measures systems and for Cutting Edge Entertainment, which specializes in singers and entertainers for weddings, measure mitzvahs and other gatherings. As one of 10,000 potential difference American Idols and one of the 10 finalists, Guarini commencement base caught the attention of judges Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell with his renditions of "Who's Loving You Now" and "Incur Here." On a few occasions it looked like he power not receive enough audience votes to preserve in the contest, merely his strong performances of songs like "Route 66" and "Let's Stay Together" -- not to honorable mention his considerable stage presence -- made him unitary of the show's 2 finalists. While he didn't rescue the goods American Idol's marvellous award, Guarini did score a press with 19 Entertainment, the production companionship that created the show, and was rumored to seem on a duet on Kelly Clarkson's debut album. To capitalize on Guarini's newfound celebrity, Midnight Voices' 1999 self-titled album was reissued soon after American Idol: The Search for a Superstar wrapped up.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Camille Jones

Camille Jones   
Artist: Camille Jones




   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10

The Creep (Fedde Le Grand Remix)   
 The Creep (Fedde Le Grand Remix)

Tracks: 1


Wednesday 25 June 2008

The Wiseguys

The Wiseguys   
Artist: The Wiseguys



The Antidote   
 The Antidote

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 15


Kate Rogers

Wednesday 18 June 2008


Artist: Lani

Trance: Psychedelic


Our Way To The Sun   
 Our Way To The Sun

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 1


Jessica Biel cast in new indie movie

Jessica Biel has been cast as the lead in the indie romantic comedy 'Easy Virtue'.
Based on the Noel Coward play, the film tells the story of an American divorcee (Biel) who heads to the South of France. Once there she jumps into a whirlwind romance and wedding with an English guy (Ben Barnes, the handsome devil who is soon to be seen in the next Narnia film).
Then the newly weds travel to the UK to face the music with his disapproving parents (Colin Firth and Kristin Scott Thomas).
Alfred Hitchcock did the first film adaptation of Coward's 1924 play for a 1928 silent movie and this time around 'The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' director Stephan Elliott will be at the helm.
Last year was a great one for the former '7th Heaven' star following on from her performance in The Illusionist alongside Ed Norton and 2008 already looks set to top it.
She recently finished filming 'Powder Blue' with Forest Whitaker and 'A Woman of No Importance' with Annette Bening.
She's currently preparing to star in the thriller 'Die a Little', based on Megan Abbott's acclaimed 2006 novel. She recently produced as well as starred in the short film 'Hole in the Paper Sky', which will be released later this year and is preparing to hone her production skills even further in 'Die A Little'.

James Harman

James Harman   
Artist: James Harman



Lonesome Moon Trance   
 Lonesome Moon Trance

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 12

Two Sides to Every Story   
 Two Sides to Every Story

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 12

Takin' Chances   
 Takin' Chances

Tracks: 13

Mo' Na'kins, Please   
 Mo' Na'kins, Please

Tracks: 14

Extra Napkins   
 Extra Napkins

Tracks: 12

Do Not Disturb   
 Do Not Disturb

Tracks: 12

James Harman is a California-based blues isaac Bashevis Singer, mouth harp player, songwriter, and bandleader with an schedule that emphatically distances him from the rest of the pack. A stager of the blues roadhouse circumference, he has lED various combinations of the James Harman Band all over the geezerhood, nearly featuring tops natural endowment (like guitarists Hollywood Fats and Kid Ramos) to equal his own. With roots in the deepest of blues mouth harp sources (Little Walter, Walter Horton, Sonny Boy Williamson), Harman tons consistently both live and on record. His most recent recorded efforts usher a genuine flair for writing original material (invariably more important to Harman than just regurgitating his record aggregation), all of it tied with a generous dollop of wisecracking good humor. Always uncoerced to debase the boundaries and conceptions of what a good bar band should be capable of, Harman combines rich traditons and beat craziness for a portmanteau that's mighty voiceless to jib.

8 Foot Sativa

8 Foot Sativa   
Artist: 8 Foot Sativa

Metal: Death,Black


Breed The Pain   
 Breed The Pain

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 9

8 Foot Sativa, named for the marihuana sativa institute, is a New Zealand heavy metallic element band. Frequent lineup changes over the trend of their life history, including multiple changes of vocaliser, make been attended by shifts in their style, which has ranged from mosh to death metal, sometimes touching on pitch-dark alloy as well. Even their most devoted fans find it difficult to concord on a single subgenre to equip their euphony. Despite this, many of those fans receive stayed fast to the band, making 8 Foot Sativa one of New Zealand's most popular heavy metal bands.

Guitar player Gary Smith, the only member of the band to pull round the unrelenting card changes, formed the mathematical group with a rotating cast of friends at Massey High School in Auckland. At low gear they were a covers isthmus, performing songs by the likes of Iron Maiden, Sepultura, and Judas Priest, only earlier long they began concocting original songs. At this point Justin "Jackammer" Niessen, a young fan wHO used to pussyfoot into their gigs, united the band as their isaac Bashevis Singer. The group's roll coagulated with Brent Fox on bass and Peter "Upper" Young on drums.

In 2002 they released their debut album, Hatred Made Me, on Intergalactic Records. It sold better than expected, eventually existence certified amber. The self-titled individual became the band's touch song dynasty. Drummer Peter Young left the isthmus shortly after and was replaced by an ex-member of Sinate, Sam Sheppard, for the recording of their second album, Time of year for Assault. It was released in 2003. Shortly before the isthmus were to fly to Sweden to criminal record their third album at Studio Underground, singer Justin Niessen leave office. He was quickly replaced by Matt Sheppard, Sam Sheppard's brother and a fellow fellow member of Sinate. This lineup released Breed the Pain in 2005, merely straightaway after the associated tour, the Sheppard brothers left to reform their former band.

For their side by side go, Niessen temporarily returned as vocalizer and Corey Friedlander was brought in on drums. Second guitarist William Cleverdon was besides added; he would be the just addition to detain for the transcription of their adjacent album. For Poison of Ages, Ben Read, of the bands Ulcerate and Kill Me Quickly, became the novel vocalizer and Steven Westerburg was brought in on drums afterwards Friedlander suffered an injury. The album was once more recorded in Sweden. The acquittance was delayed referable to a breach of contract with their promoter, and in the col between recording and release, the lineup changed one time over again. Jamie Saint Merat became the novel drummer, Christian Humphreys replaced Cleverdon (world Health Organization left after development break up arthritis in his wrist), and original bassist and besides the band manager Brent Fox left, to be replaced by Rommilly Smith.

BB housemates fail the crisps task

The 'Big Brother' housemates have failed their most recent task, which involved licking 6,250g of crisps.
The 15 housemates had to sort the crisps into four different flavours - cheese and onion, salt and vinegar, ready salted and Worcester sauce - by licking them, with a 5% margin of error allowed for each flavour.
Had they succeeded, the housemates would have won an extra luxury token.
But their margin of error on cheese and onion was 8% and 11% on Worcester sauce.
Sylvia was none-too-happy with the result, saying: "How dare they? Straining my tastebuds, confusing my tongue. How dare they?"
Nerves look set to be further frayed this week with the housemates running short of food.
Read our 'Big Brother' blog here.
Read the 'Big Brother' housemates' profiles here.

AP Entertainment appoints 3 to new positions


The Associated Press has appointed three managers to new positions as part of its expansion of entertainment coverage across the globe in all formats.

Alicia Quarles, an entertainment broadcast producer and manager for AP, has been named editor for national entertainment video. Antonia Ball, a senior producer for AP Television in London, has been named editor for international entertainment video. Nick Moore, online video manager in New York, has been named manager of entertainment operations and output.

The appointments were announced Monday by Dan Becker, AP's director of entertainment content, to whom all three managers will report.

"We believe that this group, with their vast knowledge of entertainment and their management skills, is a terrific team ready to lead the AP forward in global video coverage," Becker said.

- Quarles, 26, will be based in New York and direct AP's entertainment video coverage in the United States, leading staff based primarily in New York and Los Angeles.

Quarles is a native of Modesto, Calif., and she received a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Southern California. After graduation, she worked for AP Television as an entertainment reporter and producer in Los Angeles. In 2005, she was promoted to senior producer in New York.

Her experience includes covering the Grammys, Academy Awards and Golden Globes, and she has secured interviews with top entertainers from around the world.

- Ball, 36, will remain in London and direct video coverage in international markets. She is originally from Stoke-on-Trent, England, and graduated with honors in combined arts from Leicester University. Soon after, she joined the entertainment department of Worldwide Television News as a production coordinator. As she advanced to producer, she became an integral part of the team that established WTN as the market leader in entertainment news. WTN was acquired by AP in 1998.

In addition to handling an array of celebrity interviews, Ball has covered Live 8 and the BAFTAs, tours by U2 and the Rolling Stones, and the Cannes and Venice film festivals.

- Moore, 43, will direct operations across video, photo and text to ensure a consistent editorial process. He will be based in New York.

A native of Cincinnati, Moore graduated cum laude from Middlebury College. After spending five years as a reporter and producer for America's Defense Monitor in Washington, D.C., he joined AP. He has been a producer for AP Television in New York, Beijing, New Delhi, London and Moscow, and has reported from around the globe for AP and other outlets, including CNN and "60 Minutes." Moore has been the online video manager in New York for the past two years.

All three positions will work closely with photo and text colleagues to provide video for global broadcast and online markets.

See Also

Gina Gershon Denies Bill Clinton Affair

Gina Gershon has hit out at a Vanity Fair journalist who claims in a new article that she had an affair with former U.S. president Bill Clinton.

Todd S.Purdum alludes to Clinton's infidelity following his recovery from heart surgery in 2004 in a controversial report in the July issue of the magazine - including insinuations that he made frequent stopovers in California to "visit" Gershon.

But the Face/Off star's spokesperson Mara Buxbaum has blasted the story and is demanding her client's name be removed from the piece.

She fumes: "Todd Purdum's insinuation is a lie and is irresponsible journalism. We are demanding a retraction."

Clinton has also responded to the allegations, branding Purdum "dishonest" and "slimy" for suggesting he has continued to cheat on his wife Senator Hillary Clinton, who is running for president in the November 2008 elections.

Clinton was famously caught having 'inappropriate relations' with White House intern Monica Lewinsky in 1998, while he was still in office.

Doctor Issues Apology To Tom Cruise Over Comments

Reality television doctor, Dr. Drew Pinsky, has apologized for an article set to appear in Playboy, that states Tom Cruise may have experienced "serious neglect in childhood - maybe some abuse, but mostly neglect."

Pinsky’s story in next month’s edition claims, "A lot of people in the public eye who behave strangely have mental illness we can learn from, and much of it is based on childhood trauma, without a doubt. Take a guy like Tom Cruise. Why would somebody be drawn into a cultish kind of environment like Scientology? To me, that’s a function of a very deep emptiness and suggests serious neglect in childhood - maybe some abuse, but mostly neglect."
Crusie’s lawyer, Bert Fields, was quick to criticize Pinsky’s remarks issuing a statement saying, "This unqualified television performer who is obviously just looking for notoriety is so grotesquely unprofessional as to pretend to diagnose Tom and others without ever meeting them. He seems to be spewing the absurdity that all Scientologists are mentally ill."
A rep for the the host of VH1’s ‘Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew’ has apologized stating, "Dr. Drew meant no harm to Mr. Cruise and apologizes if his comments were hurtful."
"Although Mr. Fields’s intent is clearly to slander and discredit Dr. Drew, under no circumstances is Dr. Drew making a blanket diagnosis about Scientology nor Mr. Cruise whom he does not know," the statement continues. "Dr. Drew was simply using Mr. Cruise as an example of someone who is recognizable to help the public understand. Again, Dr. Drew meant him no harm."
NEXT: Pete Wentz Denies Twins Rumor He Started
Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

Stars Pay Tribute To Pollack

George Clooney has led the tributes to his Michael Clayton co-star Sydney Pollack, branding the actor/director a "class act." Pollack died aged 73 on Monday, after a nine-month battle with cancer at his home in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles. The Oscar-winning star recently directed and starred alongside Clooney in 2007's Michael Clayton. Clooney says, "Sydney made the world a little better, movies a little better and even dinner a little better. A tip of the hat to a class act. He'll be missed terribly." And actress Sally Field - who starred in Pollack's 1981 movie Absence Of Malice - has also paid tribute to the star. She says, "Having the opportunity to know Sydney and work with him was a great gift in my life. He was a good friend and a phenomenal director and I will cherish every moment that I ever spent with him." Pollack won two Academy Awards for the 1985 movie Out Of Africa - Best Picture and Best Director.

See Also

Missy Elliott ready to party again

Rapper Missy Elliott is gearing up to release her first album in three years.

Tentatively titled Block Party and due in August, the oft-delayed Atlantic release is the follow-up to 2005's The Cookbook, which sold a relatively disappointing 645,000 copies in the United States, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

Her best-seller is 2002's Under Construction which sold 2.1 million copies.

Tracks on the new album, Elliott's seventh, include the drum-heavy Hip-Hop Don't Die; the sensual Milk & Cookies, on which Elliot lightheartedly harmonizes about her capabilities in the bedroom; and first single Best Best.

To help reintroduce Elliott to the marketplace, Atlantic included two new songs, Ching-a-Ling and Shake Your Pom Pom, on the Step Up 2 the Streets soundtrack in March. The tracks, which will be reprised on Block Party, have already sold a combined 296,000 copies digitally.

Elliott will also release a promotional album in mid-summer, Fanomenal, which was titled by fans in an online vote and will include exclusive tracks and videos. And, in keeping with the new album title's theme, Elliott will host a couple of block parties around the July 4 and Labor Day weekends.

On a break from finishing up Block Party, the four-time Grammy winner chatted about her new projects, the state of hip-hop, and her lack of interest in digital downloads and ringtones.


I actually chose two. I'm releasing a preview to the album in the summer titled Fanomenal. When I saw all the people that entered the contest, I was overwhelmed. So I'm dedicating that one to my fans because they've rolled with me since day one. I'm still up in the air about the name for the actual album, but for now it's Block Party. The reason for that is because there are a lot of dance joints on there. It's one of those albums you can play out in the streets.


It's pretty much done. I probably have one more song to do. I want to keep the album short and sweet. I don't want one of those albums where you have 20 tracks but only two joints rock.


This album is probably more musical and melodic than my previous ones. A lot of my albums are really hip-hop-driven, with tinges of other music genres. But this album is hip-hop, with a sort of U.K. hip-hop sound to it.


I love go-go. It has somewhat of an African twist to it with the drums. Something about it feels really good. I have friends that live in (Washington) D.C. and back in the day I didn't understand that music at all. It sounded like a bunch of trash cans. It wasn't until I went to see the D.C.-based group Red Essence at a club. I tell you, I've been to a trillion clubs, but none like a go-go club. People are in there dirty dancing. It was hot. It's a whole different ballgame. Ever since then, I've been wanting to do a go-go record. Go-go's been around for so long but it's never made it across the country or across the world even. The world hasn't had a chance to see D.C. people get off on their music. That's why I did the track "Shake Your Pom Pom," which is most definitely go-go-esque.


Best, Best. I love that one. It's not your typical R&B record. It's more like club R&B with a UK hip-hop sound to it. It's a feel-good record, but at the same time super sexy. It reminds me of when I did "Hot Boyz." It's got that same feeling. Hip-Hop Don't Die is another one of my favorites. I love it because I just went in on that record. I don't think I've ever made a record that deep. It was straight rapping, like old-school hip-hop. I'm usually more comical than that. Plus, it makes sense considering the state of hip-hop.


Well, if anyone knows me, they'd know I try not to listen to the radio or watch TV. I've been doing that since my very first album. I think you can be easily influenced by other music, and before you know it you start doing records that sound like someone else just because you think it's music that's working. I hear a lot of great songs. And then I hear some that aren't so original and creative. Back in the day artists had their own styles. You couldn't say Heavy D sounded like Rakim, or Salt-N-Pepa sounded like MC Lyte, or Big Daddy Kane sounded like Erick Sermon. These days, people try to follow a formula because they see it's worked for others. But that keeps them from being original and creative, (or) at least not as original and creative as it used to be before.


That's a whole other ballgame. I was listening to Chico DeBarge the other day and started to wonder what happened to people who wanted to get the track list and the credits and the lyrics to songs. We don't have those longevity artists anymore because they cater to the times, focus on ringtones and don't put efforts into making a great full album. I think people might want to buy albums again if artists stop catering to the times and start making music that makes people want to go out and buy them again. But, it might be a while before that happens since things are so accessible with computers and downloading.

See Also